To tackle climate change we need to focus on opportunity not blame – LBC

Attenborough is right about how important China is, but he doesn’t seem to be very conscious of what China is already doing to tackle climate change. China is the world leader in the production of solar panels. It is the world leader on the production of electric vehicles. It is […]

More power in Britain came from renewables than fossil fuels in 2019 – Sky News

Here are some excerpts of the interview I did for Sky News about the announcement from the National Grid that more power came from renewable sources than from fossil fuels for the first time in Britain in 2019. I think that it is a very important milestone. It means that […]

Global efforts to combat climate change are utterly inadequate – Sky News

This is an excerpt of an interview I did with Sky News about the warnings from scientists that we are approaching a climate change tipping point, and that global efforts to combat climate change are utterly inadequate. The drumbeat of alarm from the scientists is growing louder all the time […]

Are Extinction Rebellion protesters just annoying, or are they informing, and making a point? – LBC

I did an interview for LBC on Saturday 12th October with Clive Bull. The discussion was “Are Extinction Rebellion protesters just annoying, or are they informing, and making a point?” Here are some excerpts from the interview: The protesters are doing a good job of getting people’s attention, which is […]

Greta Thunberg is not being overly pessimistic about the urgency of climate change – Sky News

Here are some excerpts of the interview with Sky News about whether Greta Thurnberg’s speech about climate change was overly pessimistic: The reality is that climate change is nastier, and is happening faster than we thought it would, the dangers that everybody on the planet are facing are worse than […]

Climate change is happening faster that we thought – Al Jazeera

Here are some excerpts from the interview with Al Jazeera, about the record temperatures that we have experienced over the last five years, and the fact that climate change is happening faster that we thought: What the WMO are saying publicly, is what climate scientists have been saying privately for […]

Talking about climate change on LBC

Here is an excerpt from an LBC phone on climate change, I did on the day of the climate protests. Right now the single most important thing that the British government could do is invest an additional billion pounds in the energy efficiency of our dwellings, and bring them all […]

Do we understand the magnitude of the threat we face from extreme weather? – Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera: Do we understand the magnitude of the threat of forest fires? Tom Burke: I think that we do in the headlines, but not in the real world. I think the picture is coming through pretty clearly, and it’s not just fires, there are also hurricanes and floods as […]

Do we need some base provision from nuclear power if we are to keep the lights on? – Sky News

We don’t need nuclear power to keep the lights on, which is fortunate as nuclear power stations are unplanned offline about 25% of the time. They are also intermittent, as indeed is all generation, so it is fortunate that we don’t actually need base load power. It’s about five years […]

A million species are being driven to the verge of extinction by the impact of humans on the planet – LBC

. This is an excerpt from an interview I did for LBC about a United Nations report that has just been released. It states that a million species are being driven to the verge of extinction by the impact of humans on the planet. The full interview can be listened […]