Climate leadership: bridging the politics/policy divide – Creative Bureaucracy Festival

Policy is a map, it’s a route map, it tells you how to get from here to there. There are many different routes, and you can examine them all and try to figure out which ones are the best routes. You use quite sophisticated tool to make a map and […]

Boris Johnson cut foreign aid and ruined our chances of Cop26 success – The Independent

On Tuesday the UK parliament voted in favour of setting out conditions for returning to 0.7 per cent aid target. The tests it agreed make it impossible that the cuts will be reversed ahead of the crucial Cop26 summit. Indeed, the UK has not met the key test of returning […]

How enthused should we be by what has been achieved at the G7? – Times Radio

We are running out of time to do things, as David Attenborough is telling us. We are not going to scale. I think leaders have got the idea of the urgency, and they have understood that we need to make the recovery a green recovery, and they have understood that […]

UN report warns that not enough is being done to avoid catastrophic climate change – Sky News

This is an excerpt from a Sky News piece on the United Nations Environment Programme Report on rising emissions levels: A United Nations report has warned that countries are not doing enough to stop the temperature of the world rising to near catastrophic levels. They say that the time for […]

A million species are being driven to the verge of extinction by the impact of humans on the planet – LBC

. This is an excerpt from an interview I did for LBC about a United Nations report that has just been released. It states that a million species are being driven to the verge of extinction by the impact of humans on the planet. The full interview can be listened […]

Speaking at the UN Economic Commission for Europe meeting on Sustainable Development Goals

. On 22 March, I spoke at the United Nation’s Economic Commission for Europe’s meeting on the Sustainable Development Goals in Geneva, Switzerland. ‘ Thank you for the invitation to share our experience on financing disaster risk reduction in relation to climate change. E3G is a European climate change think […]

There is a catastrophic gap between promises to cut carbon emissions and the action need to deliver those cuts – BBC World Service

    There is a catastrophic gap between promises to cut carbon emissions and the actions need to deliver those cuts. That is the verdict today from the United Nations, a new UN Report says amounts pledged in the Paris Agreement amount to just a third of what is needed […]

Donald Trump will have to deal with climate change – Sky News

      Sky News: The adventurer Sir David Hempleman-Adams has called on politicians to stop stalling and keep their promises to slow climate change. It was after he witnessed the impact of global warming during an expedition to the Arctic. The journey, via the north-east and north-west passages, traditionally […]

BBC World News – Carbon emissions rise to a new record

    BBC: The biggest companies in the world have helped carbon emissions rise to a new record, according to the UN. Tom Burke: If you are, for instance, the motor industry, you can change your technology and use electricity instead of petrol for your fuel.  But if you are […]