Is it responsible to say we are in a climate emergency? – GB News

I think that it is right and responsible to use the term climate emergency. We have got no time. The important thing about this problem is that is has a time clock on it. If we get it wrong, then we are in real trouble. That is exactly why it […]

Is this heatwave what the future looks like, or can it be reversed? – TRT World

The only place there is hysteria about these heatwaves is in the Daily Mail, because climate change is something it has tried to deny for a long time, and we are now seeing that the experience that people are having is confirming what the scientists have been saying. The Daily […]

Can we get gas out of electricity generation in the next 5 years? – Sky News

Russia’s threat might make a difference to supply. There is a poker game going on here. Putin needs people to buy Rubles to prop up the value of the Ruble in Russia, and other countries need Russian gas, So, it is question of who can look the other in the […]

Climate leadership: bridging the politics/policy divide – Creative Bureaucracy Festival

Policy is a map, it’s a route map, it tells you how to get from here to there. There are many different routes, and you can examine them all and try to figure out which ones are the best routes. You use quite sophisticated tool to make a map and […]

Trump says PM is making a big mistake backing wind power. He is wrong. – GB News

To focus on public subsidies for renewables is only telling part of the truth. The rest of the truth is that we also subsidize our existing fossil fuel industries, BP and Shell and others like them around the world still get subsidies. Every nuclear power station on the planet gets […]

Beyond COP26. The EU and the UK join forces to reach net zero – EEAS

COP26 certainly wasn’t a flop. It didn’t take us to where we need to get to, but it did take us a step forward into the really hard work of delivering on the Paris Agreement. So, I think that it took us somewhere. I think what surprised people was the […]

What we are hearing is a signal to hurry up and get on with it! – Sky News

What Prince Charles is doing over these two weeks of COP26 is advising, warning and encouraging. He is also initiating actions in areas where is it hard to get started. The thing about any piece of innovation is that you have got to get it started. What he is able […]

COP26 is not all Blah Blah – LBC

It is good that Modi had said that India will reach net zero, but the timetable is a bit disappointing. India is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate policy failure. So, it needs the rest the world to do more, but this level of ambition by India isn’t […]

Politicians are still not doing enough to address climate change – A News

We have just had another very powerful and timely message from the real world to politicians, about the existential threat to life, as we are used to it, that climate change poses. The message is very clear, and politicians are simply not doing enough, fast enough, to address the problem […]