We don’t need nuclear, we need renewables, investment and consistency from government – GB News

You can choose smart or stupid ways to go green, and going nuclear is one of the stupider ways. There are much smarter ways to do it. If you do it in smarter ways, then you can argue about whether the investment is a subsidy or an investment. You can […]

Is it responsible to say we are in a climate emergency? – GB News

I think that it is right and responsible to use the term climate emergency. We have got no time. The important thing about this problem is that is has a time clock on it. If we get it wrong, then we are in real trouble. That is exactly why it […]

These unprecedented temperatures pose a serious threat to our health – GB NEWS

The record that we are looking at to measure the trend in temperature rise is not short at all, it goes back hundreds of thousands of years. There are a whole lot of ways that we can measure the trend in temperatures, for instance by looking at tree rings and […]

Would a windfall tax on energy companies help with fuel poverty? – GB News

I absolutely do support a windfall tax on energy companies. The thing to remember is that these are unearned profits, this wasn’t energy companies investing, putting hard work in, lots of skills, or lots of risk taking in order to make these profits. Things happened in the world, and energy […]

Taking ourselves out of global energy markets is the right thing to do – GB News

It is true that there was very little wind last week. But what is interesting is that the lights stayed on, electricity still worked, factories kept running, homes were still heated. So, it didn’t matter all that much that the wind didn’t blow, because we have a very sophisticated grid […]

Trump says PM is making a big mistake backing wind power. He is wrong. – GB News

To focus on public subsidies for renewables is only telling part of the truth. The rest of the truth is that we also subsidize our existing fossil fuel industries, BP and Shell and others like them around the world still get subsidies. Every nuclear power station on the planet gets […]

Will climate and energy policy move forward at COP26? – GB News

COP26 is very serious, and we had better hope it gets somewhere because if it doesn’t get somewhere, then we are all going to be in a lot of trouble. I think three things need to come out of it. The first thing that we need to do is deliver […]

Is the COP26 agenda making the energy crisis worse? – GB News

The energy crisis is a very bad way to put a carbon price on, which is a favorite tool of economists for solving the climate problem. I certainly wouldn’t want to do it this way because it has a really bad impact on those who are least able to bear […]

Is a Green Revolution really possible? – GB News

We have a real problem with the way in which we’re changing the climate, the world is going to change, one way or another, either climate policy will succeed, and we will go on living more or less as we live now, or climate policy will fail, and we will […]