Is the COP26 agenda making the energy crisis worse? – GB News

The energy crisis is a very bad way to put a carbon price on, which is a favorite tool of economists for solving the climate problem. I certainly wouldn’t want to do it this way because it has a really bad impact on those who are least able to bear […]

We don’t need new nuclear to meet our net-zero by 2050 commitment – BBC Radio 4

Let’s be clear, the government hasn’t made a decision, they have made an announcement about a future decision. When that happened a long time ago with the original nuclear power station at Sizewell, it was eight years between the announcement and the decision, and then another eight years before it […]


      There is a presentational trick that skilled politicians practice. It grasps that most people are more affected by the tone than the content of a speech. This is an especially important skill to have mastered when you want to want to say something controversial. Then a soft […]