Is it responsible to say we are in a climate emergency? – GB News

I think that it is right and responsible to use the term climate emergency. We have got no time. The important thing about this problem is that is has a time clock on it. If we get it wrong, then we are in real trouble. That is exactly why it […]

Can we safeguard a future that we can’t imagine – BBC Sounds

I think that events have now validated the science in the public mind. So, we are no talking about raising awareness so much as giving people a sense that they can do something about it. My strong sense is that what is missing in all sorts of levels in society, […]

Is this heatwave what the future looks like, or can it be reversed? – TRT World

The only place there is hysteria about these heatwaves is in the Daily Mail, because climate change is something it has tried to deny for a long time, and we are now seeing that the experience that people are having is confirming what the scientists have been saying. The Daily […]

These unprecedented temperatures pose a serious threat to our health – GB NEWS

The record that we are looking at to measure the trend in temperature rise is not short at all, it goes back hundreds of thousands of years. There are a whole lot of ways that we can measure the trend in temperatures, for instance by looking at tree rings and […]

Extinction Rebellion protests are reflecting public climate anxiety – BBC Radio

Burning fossil fuels is what is causing the climate to change. We are seeing it on our TV screens. We are seeing what that means right now. The climate is already changing. We have a very simple thing to do if we want to stop the climate becoming a unlivable […]

We need politicians to step up and lead on climate change – Al Jazeera

We have been talking about this for years. The scientists have been telling us that we should pay attention. The military have been telling us, since the end of the last century, that we need to pay attention. The public has got very anxious, as the experience they are having […]

Are we prepared for the unprecedented extreme weather happening now? – Al Jazeera

These extreme weather events could become a lot more volatile and deadly. We are now experiencing the effects of a rise in global average temperatures of about 1.2 Degrees. If we don’t stop burning fossil fuels, then by the middle of the century, we will be living in a world […]

Trump has been branded a “Climate Arsonist” – Al Jazeera

Climate change is increasingly making the fires worse. Because in a warmer atmosphere you have more water evaporating from the ocean, and that water gets cycled back, which means the velocity with which the water cycles through the earth’s system increases, and that means that exactly as we are seeing, […]

What motivates people to act on climate change? – LBC

People really are beginning to get the message that this is serious, and for real, and it will need them to think about how to change. What individuals do will help, but it’s not where the solution lies. Individuals have got to do their bit, and actually, by and large, […]

The Politics of Climate Change

This article was first published by the Oracle Partnership as one of a series of essays on climate change. 2019 is the year the global conversation on the climate changed. The children’s climate strikes, the arrival of Extinction Rebellion, the EU’s Green New Deal and the importance of climate change […]