Are Europe’s floods a wake-up call on climate change? – TRT World News

We can stop burning fossil fuels. That will stop the climate changing as fast as it is changing. If the climate stopped changing then we would have less of these extreme events taking place. If we continue building houses in coastal zones, and we continue building houses on flood planes, […]

Boris Johnson cut foreign aid and ruined our chances of Cop26 success – The Independent

On Tuesday the UK parliament voted in favour of setting out conditions for returning to 0.7 per cent aid target. The tests it agreed make it impossible that the cuts will be reversed ahead of the crucial Cop26 summit. Indeed, the UK has not met the key test of returning […]

How enthused should we be by what has been achieved at the G7? – Times Radio

We are running out of time to do things, as David Attenborough is telling us. We are not going to scale. I think leaders have got the idea of the urgency, and they have understood that we need to make the recovery a green recovery, and they have understood that […]


Session 3: The implications of an accelerated transition to #netzero: This session will explore the implications of carbon pricing, the creation of a Carbon Club of Nations to accelerate transition, and the impact on global trade and investment in a #netzero era. Is a Carbon Club of Nations – a […]

The UK is stepping up its carbon ambition to 78% emissions reduction by 2035 – BBC Radio 4

The most important thing that the government can do is focus policy on energy efficiency, on wind and solar, and on storage of electricity and the management of the grid. At the moment it’s a bit of a “Boris blunderbuss”, there are a huge range of marginal things, rather than […]

Panel Discussion on Climate Change – LBC

There are quite a small number of big things, like changing the transport system, and changing the energy system, where we need the state and business together to do big things for us. But there are a huge number of small things, none of which on its own makes a […]

Leaders mark 5 years of Paris Agreement with a web summit – France 24

I think the really important thing is that we are beginning to see the restoration of political momentum to the need to tackle climate change. We know what we’ve got to do, we’ve got the technology we need to solve the problem. We know that it won’t damage our economy. […]

A 55% carbon cut by 2030 in the EU, is it historic? – Al Jazeera

A 55% carbon cut over the next decade by 2030 in the EU is historic. What this marks is a real acceleration of the progress going forward, and it sets a real benchmark for other countries to step up and increase their commitment in time for the summit in Glasgow […]

Does the government’s plan amount to a Green Industrial Revolution? – LBC

I think that is a bit of an overstatement. It amounts to a to-do list for getting a green industrial revolution. But it doesn’t actually set out the pathway by which all of these ideas are going to be delivered to us. So hopefully in the budget and in the […]

Biden win would see big “US energy policy shift” –

(Montel) A win for Democratic presidential challenger Joe Biden in Tuesday’s US election would see a “significant shift” in energy policy, with the country re-engaging with the rest of the world on climate change, analysts told Montel. Opinion polls gave Biden a healthy lead in the days running up to […]