Leaders mark 5 years of Paris Agreement with a web summit – France 24

I think the really important thing is that we are beginning to see the restoration of political momentum to the need to tackle climate change. We know what we’ve got to do, we’ve got the technology we need to solve the problem. We know that it won’t damage our economy. […]

A 55% carbon cut by 2030 in the EU, is it historic? – Al Jazeera

A 55% carbon cut over the next decade by 2030 in the EU is historic. What this marks is a real acceleration of the progress going forward, and it sets a real benchmark for other countries to step up and increase their commitment in time for the summit in Glasgow […]

Does the government’s plan amount to a Green Industrial Revolution? – LBC

I think that is a bit of an overstatement. It amounts to a to-do list for getting a green industrial revolution. But it doesn’t actually set out the pathway by which all of these ideas are going to be delivered to us. So hopefully in the budget and in the […]

We don’t need new nuclear to meet our net-zero by 2050 commitment – BBC Radio 4

Let’s be clear, the government hasn’t made a decision, they have made an announcement about a future decision. When that happened a long time ago with the original nuclear power station at Sizewell, it was eight years between the announcement and the decision, and then another eight years before it […]

The Prime Minister is right to recognise the vast potential of offshore wind in the UK – BBC World Service

I think the Prime Minister is right to recognise the enormous potential of offshore wind in the UK. It will be very good, not just for climate and for consumers, but also for the economy as a whole. But he does need to be careful not to overpromise. The wind […]

Do we have the kind of commitment that we need to fight climate change? – Al Jazeera

Climate Change is a bit like the virus. If we don’t do enough about it now, we will have to do an awful lot more later, and it will be much more painful. The announcement from China is good, as is the recent announcement from the European Commission, that they […]

Have BP got it right about the future of oil? – LBC

I think that BP are right about the future of oil. Amongst the international oil companies, they have put themselves out in front of realising that change is coming. Big change is coming, and they have positioned themselves very well. I noticed that, the other week, BP got praise from […]


The Prime Minister’s speech last week was an underwhelming contribution to the green recovery. The credibility of this promise, and much else, depends on what the Chancellor has to say in his speech on Wednesday. Here are four tests the speech must pass if it is to fill the hole […]

Saving Energy to Save the Economy – PRASEG (The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Renewable and Sustainable Energy)

One of the hardest truths about the pandemic which so abruptly cancelled everyone’s future plans is that, even now, we do not fully understand what this means. Despite a colossal global effort we are still some way from being confident of being able to ensure public health as we release […]

The impact of coronavirus on the environment – France 24

One of the things that has become very clear, in the last five years or so, is that we have a serious problem, not just with bees, but with insect life in general. We are seeing massive declines in insect populations, and they are extraordinarily important because they play a […]