A 55% carbon cut by 2030 in the EU, is it historic? – Al Jazeera

A 55% carbon cut over the next decade by 2030 in the EU is historic. What this marks is a real acceleration of the progress going forward, and it sets a real benchmark for other countries to step up and increase their commitment in time for the summit in Glasgow […]

Does the government’s plan amount to a Green Industrial Revolution? – LBC

I think that is a bit of an overstatement. It amounts to a to-do list for getting a green industrial revolution. But it doesn’t actually set out the pathway by which all of these ideas are going to be delivered to us. So hopefully in the budget and in the […]

What the US election will mean for global climate policy

A Biden victory would be a relief for climate campaigners worldwide. But would it be a game-changer for global efforts? By Dave Keating 29 Oct 2020 For many, the global climate and clean energy implications of a Joe Biden victory on 3 November can be boiled down to one campaign […]

Do we have the kind of commitment that we need to fight climate change? – Al Jazeera

Climate Change is a bit like the virus. If we don’t do enough about it now, we will have to do an awful lot more later, and it will be much more painful. The announcement from China is good, as is the recent announcement from the European Commission, that they […]


The Prime Minister’s speech last week was an underwhelming contribution to the green recovery. The credibility of this promise, and much else, depends on what the Chancellor has to say in his speech on Wednesday. Here are four tests the speech must pass if it is to fill the hole […]

Saving Energy to Save the Economy – PRASEG (The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Renewable and Sustainable Energy)

One of the hardest truths about the pandemic which so abruptly cancelled everyone’s future plans is that, even now, we do not fully understand what this means. Despite a colossal global effort we are still some way from being confident of being able to ensure public health as we release […]

Can we have a rapid economic recovery and green investment? – Sky News

If what you want to do is to get your economy to recover really fast, what you have got do to is restore purchasing power. That is your top priory. That means putting people back into jobs right away. The quickest and best way to do that, is to improve […]

Listen to the Canaries

Outside of the global wars of the twentieth century humanity has never experienced a shock as sudden or as profound in its implications as that brought to us by the Sars-CoV-2 virus. It surprised everyone bar a very small number of medical and ecological scientists. For them, the canaries had […]

Who should be running the COP26 summit? – BBC Today

You need to have somebody leading this who is seen to have the ear of the Prime Minister, and speaks with his authority, and I think Claire O’Neil didn’t really have that. So it wasn’t the wrong decision, but the way in which it was done, I don’t think inspires […]

How is the UK handling COP26? – CGTN

I think that the Prime Minister’s announcement this morning was a bit underwhelming, especially given the fact the Britain has actually been a global leader in terms of the legislation it has passed itself on climate change. So I think that we would have expected to see a bit more […]