Is the UK emissions target for 2050 achievable? – BBC World News

. . Climate change is a bit like diabetes, it’s a progressive disease. The earlier you do something about it, the better your chances are. I think that if we are still burning a lot of fossil fuels after 2050, then we are in very serious trouble. The prosperity and […]

How feasible is the 2050 emissions target set by the UK government? – BBC News

. . The fastest thing that we can do to get emissions down is to improve the efficiency with which we use energy, and in particular the way in which we provide heat in buildings. So that’s not really a question of people having to change their lifestyles so much […]

Are we able to meet the UK emissions target set for 2050?

How do we achieve the emissions target the UK government has set for 2050? We do it by putting our money where our mouth is, and by following through on this commitment to get the law in the right place by investing in the right things, and most importantly, above […]

Politicians Declared a Climate Emergency – Here’s What They’re Really Doing

. Parliament declared a climate change crisis in May, but experts worry that it’s just PR-friendly sloganeering. . By Simon Roach | 11 June 2019, 12:14pm . Take the example of the SNP leader of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon. Speaking at her party’s conference in April, the first minister told the […]

A million species are being driven to the verge of extinction by the impact of humans on the planet – LBC

. This is an excerpt from an interview I did for LBC about a United Nations report that has just been released. It states that a million species are being driven to the verge of extinction by the impact of humans on the planet. The full interview can be listened […]

The future will be different – The Gas to Power Forum

REMARKS BY TOM BURKE CBE AT THE GAS TO POWER FORUM, CANARY WHARF, LONDON, APRIL 30TH 2019. The future will be different. We live in an age of disruptions. Not all of them welcome. The disruption accompanying climate change is the most unwelcome of all. This was made very clear […]

Reflecting on the message of Extinction Rebellion – LBC 25 Apr 19

This is a partial transcript of an interview I did with Eddie Mair for LBC reflecting on the message of Extinction Rebellion and was was achieved by the protests. What I think has been really significant about the way that Extinction Rebellion have lifted the conversation, and made climate change […]

What have the Extinction Rebellion protests achieved? – LBC – 20 APR 19

. This is a transcript of an interview I did for LBC with Matt Frei, discussing what has been achieved by the Extinction Rebellion protests. ‘ These protests have already achieved something, which is to change the public conversation. They have transformed it. The protests have made a real difference […]

Is it possible to meet the demands of the Extinction Rebellion protesters? – Sky News

A thing to bear in mind is that climate change is like diabetes. It is a progressive disease if you don’t do something about it, it goes on getting worse. So the later you start doing something about the problem, the worse the eventual outcome will be for you.

Discussing the impact of climate change protests – BBC Radio London

What is really significant is what the protests have already accomplished, they have changed the conversation. There is no question about the significance of what they have accomplished by bringing attention to this issue. I think that we have not understood the urgency of the climate problem, and how serious […]