Do we understand the magnitude of the threat we face from extreme weather? – Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera: Do we understand the magnitude of the threat of forest fires? Tom Burke: I think that we do in the headlines, but not in the real world. I think the picture is coming through pretty clearly, and it’s not just fires, there are also hurricanes and floods as […]

How feasible is the 2050 emissions target set by the UK government? – BBC News

. . The fastest thing that we can do to get emissions down is to improve the efficiency with which we use energy, and in particular the way in which we provide heat in buildings. So that’s not really a question of people having to change their lifestyles so much […]

Are we able to meet the UK emissions target set for 2050?

How do we achieve the emissions target the UK government has set for 2050? We do it by putting our money where our mouth is, and by following through on this commitment to get the law in the right place by investing in the right things, and most importantly, above […]

Reflecting on the message of Extinction Rebellion – LBC 25 Apr 19

This is a partial transcript of an interview I did with Eddie Mair for LBC reflecting on the message of Extinction Rebellion and was was achieved by the protests. What I think has been really significant about the way that Extinction Rebellion have lifted the conversation, and made climate change […]

What have the Extinction Rebellion protests achieved? – LBC – 20 APR 19

. This is a transcript of an interview I did for LBC with Matt Frei, discussing what has been achieved by the Extinction Rebellion protests. ‘ These protests have already achieved something, which is to change the public conversation. They have transformed it. The protests have made a real difference […]

Discussing the impact of climate change protests – BBC Radio London

What is really significant is what the protests have already accomplished, they have changed the conversation. There is no question about the significance of what they have accomplished by bringing attention to this issue. I think that we have not understood the urgency of the climate problem, and how serious […]

More than two-thirds of Defra staff moved to Brexit-related roles

. Staff redeployed as ex-government adviser says Brexit is bad for environment . More than two-thirds of all staff employed directly by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) are working on delivering Brexit, according to official figures released by the government. The response to a freedom of […]

Climate justice and development – The Oxford Forum on International Development

There are three key points I want to make about climate justice and development. The first is that climate change presents humanity with a unique challenge. We have never before faced a problem like this. There is no other problem that will impact on the security and prosperity of literally […]

Warning that climate change could cause the collapse of civilisation – Sky News

There’s no doubt at all that we have the technology, and if we wanted to, we could deploy it in time to avoid the kind of outcomes that David Attenborough was talking about today. So it is within our technological capacity to do it, and there is no doubt at […]

The future of nuclear power in Britain

Thank you for inviting me to contribute to this conference. Phil and Andy have done something very important in picking up an overlooked aspect of the public conversation on the future of nuclear power in this country. British Governments have become skilled in recent years at concealing their policy intent […]