COP21: Paris attacks ‘will help climate talks’ – BBC News – 29 Nov 15

      How will the Paris attacks affect COP21 negotiations? I think the atrocities will clearly make a big difference to the mood, it will change the political mood, and in quite a lot of ways I think that will be helpful, because it will bind the leaders together. […]

COP21: Paris climate deal ‘more likely’ after terror attacks

  By Matt McGrath Environment correspondent, BBC News, Paris       Nearly 150 global leaders are gathering in Paris amid tight security for a critical UN climate meeting. The conference, known as COP21, starts on Monday and will try to craft a long-term deal to limit carbon emissions. Observers […]


      As an environmentalist for more than forty years I have got used to the spasm of rage when I read of another act of wanton destruction of an irreplaceable natural treasure. Like professionals in the emergency services you have to protect yourself from your feelings or you […]