Trump confirms that he is pulling America out of the Paris Climate Agreement – Al Jareera

    Al Jazeera: With me in the studio is Tom Burke who is Chairman of the climate think tank E3G… In making this decision President Trump has gone against his Secretary of State, his defence Secretary and his National Security Adviser, so what are the implications there in terms of […]

What impact will it have if Trump does pull out of the Paris Climate Deal? – Al Jazeera

    Al Jazeera: Joining me now in the studio is Tom Burke, who is the chairman of the climate think tank E3G. So, we are awaiting and announcement from President Donald Trump, but reports suggest that he will indeed pull the US out of the Climate Change Deal. What […]

What happens if Trump pulls out of the Paris Agreement – BBC News

    The Paris Agreement took us on to the right road, but it didn’t go far enough or fast enough in order to solve the problem. So Trump pulling out of the Paris Agreement would slow down that process of getting up to speed, and getting there fast enough […]

How much damage will it do if Trump does pull the US out of the Paris Agreement? BBC World News Television

  BBC World News: Let’s get more analysis now on this in the Studio with me is Tom Burke, environmentalist and Chairman of E3G. Thank you so much for joining us Tom. Isn’t it interesting, who would have thought that we would be here a few years ago? That China […]