Hinkley delay is a really big deal – BBC News

    I am finding it extremely difficult to think what could have caused such a massive dislocation, not just to our relations with other countries, as we have heard they are all going to be upset, but also to Mrs May’s own program of persuading us in this country […]

Why Hinkley is a very risky bet – BBC Radio Wales

    This is not where we expected to be this morning, and it is very difficult to imagine what the government will discover in a few weeks time that it doesn’t already know. So I think that it is fortunate that this is giving us a chance to look […]

Hinkley is a big economic problem – Sky News

    The National Infrastructure Commission just pointed out a while ago that with better use of our existing energy generation capacity we could avoid four Hinkleys, and save 8 billion pounds. McKinsey pointed out that if we just took forward the energy efficiency that we are already doing we […]

Hinkley Point – BBC News

    Hinkley will actually slow down, and make much more expensive the pace at which we can decarbonise our economy and therefore avoid the dangers of climate change. So there are much better things to do, that we can do faster and cheaper than nuclear.

Hinkley Point – BBC Radio 4 – Today Program

      There is no doubt that we need electricity, we just don’t need the electricity from Hinkley at enormous cost. It’s very unreliable, we are not sure that this type of reactor will actually work. There are much better ways of achieving the security of supply we need […]


      Assassination is rare in Britain. But do not doubt that the political knife slipped into Boris Johnson’s back was anything other than a carefully crafted assassination. It began, supposedly, with a leak. Mr Gove’s wife, Daily Mail journalist, Sarah Vine, e-mailed her husband. The e-mail urged him […]