Tom Burke’s political commentary: Euro travails and climate inaction – twin crises of political will

ENDS Report. Published on 14 November 2011. The chance to avoid a dangerous rise in temperatures seems likely to be lost in UN climate talks in Durban in the coming weeks. But the prospects for meaningful progress are scant, as governments are distracted and constrained by the current economic crisis […]

Tom Burke’s political commentary: Cameron’s green gambit – true hue or camouflage?

ENDS Report 436, p. 48, May 2011. One year on and a string of government missteps have left many questioning its true commitment to the environment and genuine reform The collision between the simplicities of politics and the complexities of government is often a brutal experience for ministers. Politics is […]

Tom Burke’s political commentary: One year on, coalition’s promise is under stress

ENDS Report 435, p. 61, April 2011. David Cameron pledged his administration would be “the greenest government ever”. Forthcoming decisions on the Green Deal, Green Investment Bank and fourth carbon budget will reveal how serious he was It is a year since the coalition government took power. Though distasteful to […]

Tom Burke’s political commentary: ‘Greenest government’ neglects politics in quest for managerial efficiency

ENDS Report 433, p.54, February 2011. The coalition government failed to make a political case before announcing the sell-off of England’s state-owned woodlands. It will do well to learn the lesson of what followed. In November 1999 I wrote an article, “Sleepwalking to Seattle”, for the Times. I pointed out […]