What has happened to government promises to improve the energy efficiency of our buildings? R4 Today

There is not very much government help available for people who are concerned about the energy prices rising and who want to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. There is the ECO scheme, which is available to help people improve the energy efficiency of their houses. But about 80% […]

Is the COP26 agenda making the energy crisis worse? – GB News

The energy crisis is a very bad way to put a carbon price on, which is a favorite tool of economists for solving the climate problem. I certainly wouldn’t want to do it this way because it has a really bad impact on those who are least able to bear […]

An Essential Alliance: Climate Change and the Law – UCL

The fate of the climate and the future of the law are intimately entangled. The rule of law is a crucial precondition for the success of climate policy. Climate policy failure is not inevitable but it is imminent. Avoiding failure means an end to the burning of fossil fuels by […]

Extinction Rebellion protests are reflecting public climate anxiety – BBC Radio

Burning fossil fuels is what is causing the climate to change. We are seeing it on our TV screens. We are seeing what that means right now. The climate is already changing. We have a very simple thing to do if we want to stop the climate becoming a unlivable […]

We need politicians to step up and lead on climate change – Al Jazeera

We have been talking about this for years. The scientists have been telling us that we should pay attention. The military have been telling us, since the end of the last century, that we need to pay attention. The public has got very anxious, as the experience they are having […]

Are we prepared for the unprecedented extreme weather happening now? – Al Jazeera

These extreme weather events could become a lot more volatile and deadly. We are now experiencing the effects of a rise in global average temperatures of about 1.2 Degrees. If we don’t stop burning fossil fuels, then by the middle of the century, we will be living in a world […]

Will government payouts to offset green energy bills help us reach net zero? – GB News

The government is under real pressure to do something in advance of the Glasgow COP26 to show that is it walking the talk on climate change. There are an enormous range of things being discussed in Whitehall about how we do that. Obviously one of the key questions is what […]

Tom Burke – E3G – Is offsetting green energy bills by paying households a good idea? – LBC

The government is under huge pressure in advance of Glasgow to say how it is going to deliver, and so there are loads of ideas being discussed in Whitehall, most of which will never see the light of day. I suspect that this is one of those ideas. If you […]


This is a speech I gave at the UKELA annual conference 2021. In summary, I argue that the rule of law will not long survive a failure to maintain the ecological foundations of the economy. The climate is the foundation in the most imminent danger. The ecological foundations of the […]

How enthused should we be by what has been achieved at the G7? – Times Radio

We are running out of time to do things, as David Attenborough is telling us. We are not going to scale. I think leaders have got the idea of the urgency, and they have understood that we need to make the recovery a green recovery, and they have understood that […]