Does the new government energy strategy tackle the immediate energy crisis?

This is the third document in six months that the government has produced, and all that has happened is that they have become less coherent, and less and less connected to what actually matters to most people. What the Prime Minister seems to believe is that we want expensive nuclear […]

The government can do something right now to reduce peoples energy bills – LBC

Why would the government build nuclear power stations which will mean that they have to put people’s energy bills up twice in order to get the investment needed to build them and pay for the energy they produce, why would you do that? Why would the government think it is […]

Taking ourselves out of global energy markets is the right thing to do – GB News

It is true that there was very little wind last week. But what is interesting is that the lights stayed on, electricity still worked, factories kept running, homes were still heated. So, it didn’t matter all that much that the wind didn’t blow, because we have a very sophisticated grid […]

Climate leadership: bridging the politics/policy divide – Creative Bureaucracy Festival

Policy is a map, it’s a route map, it tells you how to get from here to there. There are many different routes, and you can examine them all and try to figure out which ones are the best routes. You use quite sophisticated tool to make a map and […]

Unpresidented tornados hit America – Al Jazeera

These tornados that we are seeing are not completely unprecedented, but the scale of the impacts that we are seeing is quite unusual. Part of the reason for that is that there seems to be a structural shift going on with the tornados, they seem to be moving further east, […]

COP26: All you need to know – Highgrade Media

At COP26 I think we did better than I’d expected and nothing like good enough, is my general feeling. I think the tone was interesting, rather than the specifics of the outcome – which everybody’s commentaries focused on – the tone was interesting, because it was a much greater sense […]

Trump says PM is making a big mistake backing wind power. He is wrong. – GB News

To focus on public subsidies for renewables is only telling part of the truth. The rest of the truth is that we also subsidize our existing fossil fuel industries, BP and Shell and others like them around the world still get subsidies. Every nuclear power station on the planet gets […]

Beyond COP26. The EU and the UK join forces to reach net zero – EEAS

COP26 certainly wasn’t a flop. It didn’t take us to where we need to get to, but it did take us a step forward into the really hard work of delivering on the Paris Agreement. So, I think that it took us somewhere. I think what surprised people was the […]