Will the government push for economic growth at the expense of environmental protection?

I have been quoted in Damian Carrington‘s most recent Environment Blog for The Guardian, Environmental protection rules may be headed for government shredder. The blog covers Oliver Letwin’s proposition to replace all of the current environmental guidance including that on pollution, waste, and wildlife, with one 50-page document. To see […]

The facts are not with him

Published in The Guardian, on 18th May 2006. The prime minister has a taste for pre-emptive strikes and dodgy dossiers. He pre-empted his own white paper on energy policy with the energy review. He has now pre-empted the review by declaring that Britain needs new nuclear power stations. In so […]

Enigma code

Published in The Guardian, on 29th June 2005. Civil servants long ago discovered the infinite elasticity of the English language. It can be greatly stretched to cover the holes where policies should be, providing an essential service to their political masters whose failures of will would otherwise be all too […]

Plant Life

Published on The Guardian, 18th May 2005. New nuclear power stations are inevitable. That is the message from a barrage of headlines in recent weeks. “Secret” plans to announce the building of 10 new nuclear power stations after the election played nicely into the running story of a prime minister […]

Nuclear delusion

Published in The Guardian, on 2nd March 2005. The nuclear industry has grasped at climate change like a drowning man clutching a passing log. Its latest piece of flailing around involved persuading some journalists that the prime minister is just waiting for the general election to be over to put out […]